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Catalina Foothills housing near Tucson OK’d despite concern over wildlife habitat

 Catalina Foothills housing near Tucson OK’d despite concern over wildlife habitat

Despite 730 letters opposing the project, the Pima County Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 to allow a developer to build 210 apartments and 116 two-story homes on 53 acres in the highly desirable Catalina Foothills north of Tucson. Neighbors raised concerns about traffic and the impact on a wildlife corridor, but the Pima County Regional Flood Control District in a memo stated wouldn’t disturb intact riparian habitat and exceeds flood mitigation standards. The developer, UIP Quail Canyon LLP, said it will restore parts of Pima Wash that were disturbed when the land was home to a golf course, preserve half of the 62 saguaros and not rip up most of the wildlife area.



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