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In ‘warfare against renters,’ homeowners fight affordable housing push

 In ‘warfare against renters,’ homeowners fight affordable housing push

Nationwide, NIMBY homeowners are fighting new developments, particularly apartments, with more vigor than ever. This national article leads with a recent blowup against affordable tax-credit units for low-income families and seniors in Surprise as an example of how the pushback has gotten stronger in the Valley amid a wave of new construction to try to temper the growing housing crisis and around the country. In Phoenix, rents increased 40 percent since early 2020 and home prices climbed 50 percent, while homelessness surged 36 percent. Yet homeowners continue to fight—at city all, in court and at the ballot box—virtually any multifamily in their neighborhoods with the same buzzwords of “density” and “traffic,” when they’re really waging war against renters whom they see as “second-class citizens.”



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