Arizona housing shortage reaches 120,306 homes

Photo by Air Force Capt. Holly Hess/Defense Department
Arizona has the ninth-worst housing shortage in the nation and is lacking 120,306 homes, according to the cross-sector network Up for Growth. Across the country, 3.9 million more homes are needed, and the crisis has spread from coastal and urban zones into suburbs, small towns and rural areas. Not one state is keeping up with demand, and leaders need to combat NIMBYs to deliver the sorely needed supply. “Policymakers must make the straightforward but difficult choice to prioritize new funding sources that allow for diverse housing types, to invest in construction innovations, and to bolster infrastructure funding despite the risks posed by NIMBY opposition,” said Mike Kingsella, Chief Executive Officer of Up for Growth. “Only then will we slow the pace of housing underproduction and, over time, begin to reverse it.”