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Fountain Hills Declares Itself a No-Go for Development

 Fountain Hills Declares Itself a No-Go for Development

The Fountain Hills Town Council nixed rezoning for an 80-unit upscale apartment project called Senderos at Fountain Hills in June, effectively telling all future developers to get lost. Forceful NIMBYs embarked on a campaign of misinformation, bemoaning the old tropes such as traffic along with blatantly false claims that the buildings would block other residents’ views. The author wrote that sources he contacted spoke of pressure and intimidation by State Senator John Kavanaugh, who lives in the area. The developers say they were trying to create a “vastly superior” plan that is more respectful of neighbors in terms of preserving views and open space but are being forced into building only what is allowed by right. The article states, “It appears the reality is that several of the town’s elites simply do not want larger-volume multifamily, no matter how well integrated, near their homes.


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