Why is Phoenix homelessness among the nation’s worst? Look at what got us here

This editorial paints a dystopian picture of a crumbling American dream, stating that the issue of homelessness is the most “visible representation” of the decline. Although it connects a lack of housing and a skyrocketing opioid epidemic, it also correctly notes that “The Arizona housing shortage is among the most acute in the country, driving up home and rental prices so they are unaffordable to lower-income earners.” And it comes face-to-face with the irrefutable fact that “NIMBY-ism is freezing out developers and distorting the free market so they aren’t building low-income housing to match the need.” The piece promises that the editorial board will explore the topic of homelessness and ways to “take control of this problem” and right the ship in order to build a promising future for Phoenix.
Source: https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/editorial/2023/05/01/phoenix-homelessness-worst-nation-how-got-here/70159191007/