We need 1 more vote to keep Phoenix families in their mobile homes

Four left-leaning Phoenix City Council members wrote this opinion piece asking for one more vote to pass a zoning overlay to prevent a mobile home park from being redeveloped and the residents evicted. Unfortunately, it relies on misleading statistics like the idea that Maricopa County renters were evicted in January at the highest rates since the Great Recession—a number that doesn’t account for population growth. Yes, rents have increased, but that’s because supply is being suppressed by this exactly kind of zoning, which hamstrings progress. Also, last time we checked, property owners have the right to sell their property if they desire.
Source: https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/2023/03/13/phoenix-cannot-stand-by-mobile-home-evictions-zoning/69994925007/