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AMA Board Chair: “Never a Better Time To Be a Renter”

 AMA Board Chair: “Never a Better Time To Be a Renter”

Adam Greco, incoming board chair for the Arizona Multihousing Association, is upbeat on the prospects for the multifamily industry in 2025.

Families are increasingly looking to rent as inflation has put many single-family homes out of reach financially, creating growth opportunities for apartment developers, Greco said. Last year, metro Phoenix multifamily construction ranked fourth in the nation — behind New York, Dallas and Austin — and that boom is expected to continue through at least 2028.

Meanwhile, renters are benefitting from cooling rents combined with generous move-in incentives, Greco said. The Valley’s housing costs remain the 18th most affordable among the top 30 metros in the U.S., he said.

“It’s never been a better time to be a renter,” he said. “There are so many options for residents in every apartment class from luxury to middle-of-the-road to affordable.”

We asked Greco to tell us more about his vision as board chair:

What is your background in the multifamily industry?

I was born and raised in Chicago and moved here in 1999. I thought I would only be here a few years, but I quickly became hooked on the great state of Arizona, and this is now my forever home.

I started as a leasing agent and worked my way up to community manager. Then I had an opportunity to go into the industry as a supplier, providing pest control services to apartment communities for 20 years. I built great relationships over that time. Pretty much all of my friends are in the industry.

Three years ago, I joined Mark-Taylor Companies as the Senior Director of Portfolio Development. Mark-Taylor is one of the largest developers, owners and investment managers of rental communities in Arizona, with over 50,000 residents in 32,000 units. My main focus is constantly collecting data to ensure we make the best decisions possible for development, property management and our residents, most importantly.

I have served on the AMA Board of Directors since 2009.

What is your vision for AMA in 2025? What do you hope to accomplish?

I want to continue the mission of being an advocate for our members, owners, property managers and industry partners. We could not do anything without their continued support. 

A big piece of the vision, along with my fellow board members, is also expanding our public relations efforts. It’s pretty well-known that the multifamily industry has a negative image to the general public. But I want them to be able to see the amount of work, care and integrity of what our members do for 400,000 units throughout the beautiful state of Arizona. 

If they could see how much time and effort we put in to providing for all of our residents, they would know how committed we are to providing a home for all of our residents.

Although major progress has been made, Arizona is still in a housing affordability crisis. What needs to be done?

We’ve been tracking the housing shortage constantly throughout our industry.

One of the challenges is the negative feelings some neighbors have about developing new apartments. There is a misconception that apartments bring crime and traffic. But there has been study after study disproving that time and time again. In reality, multifamily communities increase economic conditions within any city or submarket.

What we’d like to see is less government control over where we can build. Of course we want to make sure developments are in areas of town that will benefit current residents. But it takes a developer sometimes two, three or four years just to get a property started.

What do you wish people understood better about the multifamily industry?

The amount of community outreach our members do continuously. They focus on not just their apartment community, but the entire community. They are working with local business owners, making sure to engage with the local community, as well as larger corporations to make sure they know their employees have housing options.

It’s always about giving back. The amount we donate in volunteer time to so many organizations throughout the entire state, it’s really amazing.

Just last year, our members collected thousands of holiday gifts for families in need, sponsored a local autism walk, packed boxes for hunger relief, donated water bottles for the homeless, provided job interview coaching to high schoolers and more.

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