Tempe approves deal to revamp Danelle Plaza, a site that has gone underused for decades

Tempe History Museum
Rather than becoming the “heart of Tempe’s new downtown,” as it was promised when built in the early 1960s, Danelle Plaza has languished and sits half-empty, plagued by encampments, drug use and crime. But the city is making strides to re-invigorate the development, hoping a deal with a developer will bring apartments (including some affordable units) along with restaurants and retail while keeping the beloved Yucca Tap Room. Details are scant and the companies involved need to buy other lots and get around restrictions from a condo association, so it’s still not certain if anything will come to fruition.
Source: https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/tempe/2024/01/22/danelle-plaza-revamp-deal-gets-unanimous-approval-from-tempe-leaders/72286125007/