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Sedona City Council Considers Doubling Development Fees

 Sedona City Council Considers Doubling Development Fees


The Sedona City Council recently held a public hearing on a set of proposed increases in development impact fees.

If approved, the new fees would more than double:

  • Units smaller than 700 square feet would increase from $3,273 to $7,381 (126%)
  • 1,500 square feet would increase from $5,832 to $12,018 (106%)
  • 2,500 square feet would increase from $7,419 to $17,228 (132%)

Lodging units would also increase, rising 139% from the current $3,702 to $8,863 per unit.

Several council members expressed shock over the scale of the proposed increases and said they feared such dramatic hikes would further impede the development of comparatively attainable housing.

Sedona’s rate of development is already relatively small. Griffin reported that the average annual delivery rate is 25 single-family and 33 multifamily units per year. A housing study showed Sedona needs an additional 1,480-1,515 housing units by 2025.



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