Residents confront developer on Landings apartments

Real estate attorney Ed Bull with Burch and Cracchiolo speaks during a presentation as Dominium Apartments hosts a neighborhood meeting about the controversial proposed affordable housing apartments just east of Arizona Ave on Ocotillo, Wednesday, January 25, 2023, at Hamilton High School in Chandler, Arizona. (David Minton/Staff Photographer)
A three-hour meeting at Chandler’s Hamilton High School brought out everything but torches and pitchforks as residents vehemently opposed affordable apartments in the city that would bring 336 units for families and 182 for seniors. Opponents incorrectly harped on the project as being “government subsidized” and “section 8,” the latter of which doesn’t even exist anymore. The biggest bugaboo for the naysayers was traffic (which an engineer assured them wasn’t an issue), followed by schools (again, no problem) and water (the development would actually end up gaining water credits from the project). In reality, those speaking against the project showed their true colors when they complained their home values would go down and more police would be needed due to what they wrongly claimed was the added crime that affordable housing would bring.