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Metro Phoenix tenants can get apartment data landlords use to set rents on new website

 Metro Phoenix tenants can get apartment data landlords use to set rents on new website

A Scottsdale apartment data firm has launched a free website to give metro Phoenix renters information that landlords use in an effort to prevent more tenants from being gouged.

Radix’s new apartment information program called RealRents was created partly in response to the Arizona attorney general’s February 2024 lawsuit alleging several major landlords and Texas-based property management data firm RealPage conspired to drive up costs for tenants.

On the Radix site, renters can search by ZIP code to find the average rent, the percentage of apartments full, average concessions landlords are offering and how many apartments are available.

RealRents also lists how many tenants are checking out apartments in an area, how many leases were signed in the ZIP during the past week and how the area ranks for rents in the Valley.



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