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Arizona Cities Must Now Report On Their Housing Shortages. Here’s What We Found.

 Arizona Cities Must Now Report On Their Housing Shortages. Here’s What We Found.

Thanks to a newly passed state law—SB 1162—Arizona cities must now issue a Housing Needs Assessment every five years.

SB 1162 also requires cities to submit an annual report to the Department of Housing with data on the past year’s homebuilding approval, activities, and progress towards meeting housing needs.

Both were due on January 1st. A review of the assessments we were able to find so far shows omissions and inconsistencies. Furthermore, it is not clear if some cities published a report as required.

We’re tracking both the housing assessments and annual reports. 

This info should help us better grasp the scope of the housing shortage, how well cities are meeting their housing needs, and to assess how well reforms are doing at easing the shortage.

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